Volunteer With Us

If you would like to volunteer in any of these capacities (or have other skills we did not list), please contact the clinic at (435) 259-1113. Thank you!

Medical Volunteers

The Moab Free Health Clinic runs on volunteers for our medical, mental health, and health education services.

Medical Providers

The Moab Free Health Clinic runs on volunteer medical providers:

  • Physicians

  • Physician Assistants

  • Nurse Practitioners

  • Nurses

  • Mental Health professionals

  • Massage Therapist

  • Health educators

  • EMTs

  • Phlebotomists

The MFHC requests a 2-3 hour time commitment. Apart from the satisfaction of providing underserved people with much needed access to healthcare, local Moab businesses thank you for volunteering at the clinic by donating small incentives (i.e. bike rentals, parks passes, hotel rooms, and massages) to make your stay in Moab a bit more comfortable. Tell us what you like to do!

The MFHC, its providers, and volunteers are covered under the Federal Tort Claims Act Liability Coverage. We are happy to assist with licensing for retired medical providers and those not licensed in Utah, including possible funding for the cost of licensing.

Medical Assistants

Volunteers are needed as intake assistants for vitals and patient history. Medical training is necessary to help:

  • EMT

  • WFR

  • CNA

Please see Volunteer Forms & Policy below for more information on MFHC procedures. If you would like to volunteer, please call (435) 259-1113.

Position Descriptions

Provider: (MD, DO, PA-C, NP, LMT, LAC, etc.)

Intake Assistant: (RN, EMT, MA, WFR)

Office and Facility Volunteers

Help us keep the Clinic operating smoothly and looking good. Besides providing health care to clinic patients, the Moab Free Health Clinic is open weekdays to provide community resource information for everyone.

We are always recruiting:

  • Administrative help during clinics

  • Spanish translation

  • Filing and office management assistance

  • Event staffing

  • Volunteer recruiting

  • Help cleaning the clinic and the grounds

Please see Volunteer Forms & Policy down below for more information on MFHC procedures. If you would like to volunteer, call (435) 259-1113.

Administrative Assistant (no medical experience necessary)

Liability Coverage

All MFHC volunteers are covered under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).

Liability coverage for all medical and non-medical volunteers is provided under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). This covers services offered at the clinic as well as at MFHC-sponsored off-site events. Potential and current providers should read the federal policy concerning FTCA coverage and free clinics. The Volunteer Coordinator can answer more questions about the application process or inquires about the FTCA program.

Volunteer Forms & Policy

See our volunteer registration forms and clinic policy and procedures.


For any questions about volunteering please contact us at (435) 259-1113 or email us at director@moabfreehealthclinic.org